

  • Effective for cough and actively acts as cough suppressant.
  • Provides immediate relief in case of chest congestion.
  • Provides immediate bronchodilating effect
  • Helps in restoring normal breathing.
  • Imparts soothing effect in case of sore throat.



Simrid syrup & drops contain ivy leaf extract that is sed as an expectorant, and is an excellent means to get rid of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Simrid syrup & drops have antispasmodic effects, which help reducing spasms or coughing fits. Inflammation in the respiratory tract can contribute to coughing, and anti-inflammatory substances help alleviate these symptoms.

Simrid syrup & drops offer antitussive properties and have soothing effect in case of sore throat. Ivy leaf extract is used as cough suppressant, also possess mucolytic activity and potentially breaks down mucus, making it easier to expel from the respiratory system.


IVY Leaf Extract 35 mg


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